Sunday 31 March 2013


Having still not got my dress completed how i like i have been struggling to get the right fit, however fifth try later and i am happy with it! It fits the mannequin fine but even better... it fits an actual person better :)

I have now cut out my fabric pieces ready to sew together when the uni is open again! :)
I have also done some testing with my kimono fabric, ive decided im not having a lining but just having it as a thin jacket. however i tested it with the fabric i plan to use for the dress and a white cotton, the white cotton looks ok but i prefer it without. I have also overlocked it to see how this looks too and made sure what stitch would be suitable to hold the seam

So i have been focusing on my spec sheets, as seen in previous post

Spec sheets

I have now finished my spec sheets off complete with my designs on a body for each spec.
here are some previews

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Over the past few weeks i have been busy doing my toiles for my final designs.
I started by recreating it on the stand in pattern pieces, making sure i drawn on all the right marks, the side seam, where pleats are, darts and notches.

I then took them off the stand and laid them out and traced it on to pattern paper.
Then cutting them out and sewing them together.

Its all trial and error, testing.



The kimon is how id like it to be but the dress needs more work to get the fit right